Current Work

I am a Machine learning/Astronomy PhD student with Prof Anna Scaife @ University of Manchester with funding from the Alan Turing Institute. I build machine learning systems that that can make reliable predictions on data gathered by telescopes from space.

Much of my work revolves around integrating uncurated image data into our models to reduce labelling cost and improve robustness to out-of-distribution data.

Previous Work & Education

Previously, I studied Physics (4 year MPhys) at the University of Oxford, where I specialised in theoretical physics and astronomy and wrote my master’s dissertation on applying decision tree machine learning on pulsar classification.

I also worked as a machine learning research intern at XAIN (now XAYN), where I developed a synthetic data generator for accounting data and prototyped a privacy preserving distributed deep learning framework.


Outside of my work I’m passionate about mountain biking, snowboarding/skiing, basketball and adventures in the wilderness.